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5 days ago6 min read
Automatic SQL Patch Metadata - Scrape it off my shoe.
Patching, we all know how important it is, for those of us with a presence on prem that is, or even SQL on Azure VM, without the correct...

Feb 13, 202412 min read
Checking SQL Server Estate Connectivity with Powershell Jobs...parallel technicolour.
In my previous post Running Powershell for SQL Use* in Parallel - POshRBAR no more. ( , I discussed the use of powershell...

Jan 30, 20245 min read
Running Powershell for SQL Use* in Parallel - POshRBAR no more.
*Or any use for that matter... This is one that I should have learnt way earlier than I actually did if i'm being completely honest. One...

Jan 4, 20243 min read
DBATools Favourite functions - Why use your hands, when you have a hammer...
DBATools is the best thing since sliced bread, i'm sure alot of us gluten tolerant people can all agree on that. Powershell makes...
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